what shall I make today
A 3-axis CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine is a type of computer-controlled machining device that operates along three different axes to perform various tasks such as milling, cutting, engraving, and more. These three axes are typically referred to as the X, Y, and Z axes, and they define the machine’s movement in three-dimensional space:
X-Axis: The X-axis represents horizontal movement along the length of the machine’s worktable. It usually corresponds to the side-to-side movement.
Y-Axis: The Y-axis represents horizontal movement along the width of the worktable. It typically corresponds to the forward and backward movement.
Z-Axis: The Z-axis represents vertical movement, controlling the up-and-down motion of the machine’s cutting tool or spindle.
A one of the first machines i build from scratch there were quite a few hurdles to overcome, the first of wich was what kinematic layout I wanted to use, in the end setteling for a 3D pritner style fixed gantry and moving bed.
As I wasn’t planing to use it to cut large things but rather mill or engrave small objects the design stayed rather compact overall having a footprint only slightly larger than an A3 sheet of paper.
The next thing to decide was the motion corntroller to use, here I also fell back on my experiance with 3D Printers and chose to use a Duet 3D controller set in CNC configuration.
Once all this was decided and the design finalized it was time to put it together.
Unfortunatly, towords the end of the assembly some problems with the chosen controller and design became apparant, so the design was abbandoned before compleation.
That being said i was still able to get some cuts out of the design.